Best Resources to Learn Node.js
Microsoft, Ebay, VMWare, and Twitter.
So, are you convinced? If you want to give Node.js a try, here's a list of my favorite Node tutorials, examples, and guides designed to help developers get up to speed on Node.js.
- NodeBeginner is an online book by Manuel Kiessling that aims to "get you started with developing applications with Node.js, teaching you everything you need to know about "advanced" JavaScript along the way". Filled with great explanations and a lot of Node examples, this book is a key resource to take a developer from Node.js beginner to programming useful applications. If you are anything like me, you'll also learn a few new things about JavaScript programming while you are at it! This is one of my favorites for those just getting started.
Learn Node.js by Example This is a course I developed for Node.js beginners, hosted at at The course is project-based, guiding students to learn by developing example applications. Instruction is given mainly through screencasts, with a lot of time spent in code. I'm actively developing new content for it, and subscribers get access to all new content for no extra cost, even if the course goes up in price. Click here to get 50% off now!
Mastering Node T.J. Holowaychuk, creater of pivotal Node.js tools such as Express and Jade, has an open source ebook called "Mastering Node" hosted at Github. The book, available in multiple formats, including html, mobl, epub, and pdf, is an excellent resource from one of the most knowledgeable Node.js programmers in the world. This is a Node guide you should definitely take a look at.
- Rails has Railscasts, and Node.js has NodeTuts Pedro Teixeira has a large collection (30 and counting at the time of this writing!) of screencasts explaining various aspects of Node.js programming. His examples and explanations are practical, and extremely instructive. Highly recommended!
- HowToNode is a community-supported blog created by Tim Caswell, the Node.js community manager at Cloud9 and core contributor to the Node.js open source project. The site contains a number of Node tutorials contributed by the Node.js community, on a variety of specific Node programming topics. This isn't where I'd start to learn Node.js as a beginner, but it is an excellent resource to be exposed to interesting techniques and topics once you have a basic understanding of Node.
Now get out there and learn to Node!
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